The Fresno Council Of Governments (COG) model projects that currently there are 4,700 vehicles a day (both directions) on Sierra Street between Rafer Johnson Drive and S. Bethel Avenue. COG projects 11,900 vehicles a day (both directions) between State Route 99 and Rafer Johnson Drive.
Caltrans estimates that there are an average of over 59,000 vehicles on State Route 99 each day.
Trade Area
The trade area spans north to Selma, CA, west to Caruthers, CA and east to Reedley, CA.
Daytime Population 143,613
Trade Area Population Trend
2000 127,445
2014 154,227
2019 160,143
Trade Area Population Change Trend
2000 to 2014 16.7%
2010 to 2019 7.7%
source: Pitney Bowes 2014
Per Capita Income $16,065
Household Income: Median $45,545
Household Income: Average $59,527
source: Pitney Bowes 2014
To learn more about Kingsburg, click here.
There are many elements to Kingsburg that make it one of the best places to locate a business. Here are a few of them:
- Low crime rate
- Excellent school districts, elementary and high school entice families to live here
- Managed growth allows for optimal planning
- The Swedish theme is inviting to Highway 99 traffic
- Kingsburg is famous for its festivals and events
- High Fresno County Demographic ranking